Research Fellow Salary in United States Of America - Careerdp Salary – Jobs in United States of America
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Research Fellow Average Salary in United States of America

A person working as a Research Fellow in United States of America will on average earn $62277 per year (pre-tax value). Salary is provided in USD ($/dollar) value.

Below is a break-down of yearly, monthly, weekly and hourly rate.

Rate Type Amount (USD)
Yearly salary $62,277.00
Weekly salary $1,197.63
Daily salary $170.62
Hourly salary $21.33

Year over year increase in salary is registered at around 4%

Average salary in United States of America is approximately 57000$

This means research fellow salary is above average!

Research Fellow Salary: $62277
Country Average: $57000

Latest entry for this job in our database: 2025-01-04.

Job Information for: Research Fellow

Job Industry: academia

Description: A research fellow is an individual who engages in advanced research and scholarship in a specific field. They typically work in academic or scientific institutions, conducting independent research projects or collaborating with other researchers. Research fellows are responsible for designing and implementing research experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and publishing their findings in academic journals or presenting them at conferences. They may also be involved in securing funding for their research projects through grant applications. Research fellows often work closely with professors or senior researchers, contributing to ongoing research programs and providing support to graduate students. This occupation requires a high level of expertise and knowledge in a specific field, as well as excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.

Tagged with: Research, Fellowship, Scholar, Academic, Scientific, Researcher

You should note: These salary ranges are based on averages and may not reflect exact compensation for each specific job.
These compensation amounts provided should be taken as reference purposes. Salaries may vary based on various elements, such as qualifications, geography, sector, and other circumstances. This data should not necessarily reflect the true compensation provided for a specific job position at any given organization. This website strongly recommend you consult the exact pay details with the company prior to accepting any job offer.