A person working as a Air Force Airman Basic Air in United States of America will on average earn $29529 per year (pre-tax value). Salary is provided in USD ($/dollar) value.
Below is a break-down of yearly, monthly, weekly and hourly rate.
Rate Type | Amount (USD) |
Yearly salary | $29,529.00 |
Weekly salary | $567.87 |
Daily salary | $80.90 |
Hourly salary | $10.11 |
This means air force airman basic air salary is below average!
Job Industry: military
Description: An Air Force Airman Basic is an entry-level enlisted member of the United States Air Force. They undergo basic military training to learn the fundamentals of their role and military life. These individuals perform a wide range of duties depending on their assigned career field, which can include aircraft maintenance, logistics, security forces, intelligence, and more. Airman Basics are responsible for assisting higher-ranking personnel in their respective fields, following orders, and maintaining discipline and professionalism. The occupation of an Air Force Airman Basic involves learning and developing skills necessary to support the mission of the Air Force. They may work in various environments, such as air bases, aircraft hangars, or office settings. Their duties may involve physical labor, administrative tasks, or technical responsibilities, depending on their assigned role. This position provides a foundation for further career advancement within the Air Force.
Tagged with: Air Force, Military, Enlisted, Entry-level, Training, Career advancement.