Claims adjuster Salary in United States Of America - Careerdp Salary – Jobs in United States of America
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Claims Adjuster Average Salary in United States of America

A person working as a Claims Adjuster in United States of America will on average earn $62220 per year (pre-tax value). Salary is provided in USD ($/dollar) value.

Below is a break-down of yearly, monthly, weekly and hourly rate.

Rate Type Amount (USD)
Yearly salary $62,220.00
Weekly salary $1,196.54
Daily salary $170.47
Hourly salary $21.31

Year over year increase in salary is registered at around 4%

Average salary in United States of America is approximately 57000$

This means claims adjuster salary is above average!

Claims Adjuster Salary: $62220
Country Average: $57000

Latest entry for this job in our database: 2025-01-04.

Job Information for: claims adjuster

Job Industry: insurance

Description: A claims adjuster is responsible for investigating insurance claims to determine the extent of coverage, liability, and settlement. They analyze policy documents, interview claimants and witnesses, inspect damaged property, and gather evidence to evaluate the validity of claims. Claims adjusters also negotiate settlements with claimants or their representatives, ensuring fair compensation within policy limits. They may collaborate with other professionals such as lawyers, medical experts, or engineers to assess complex claims accurately. Additionally, they document their findings, prepare reports, and make recommendations to insurance companies regarding claim settlements.

Tagged with: Claims Adjuster, Insurance Claims, Investigation, Settlements, Liability Assessment, Policy Analysis

Please note: These salary figures are only estimates based on available data and may not be accurate for every role or company.
These salary figures provided should be considered as reference only. The salary ranges may differ according to multiple elements, such as skills, geography, industry, and other considerations. This data do not necessarily reflect the true compensation offered for a particular job role at any given organization. We strongly recommend that verify the final pay details with your hiring company prior to accepting any job offer.