Help desk consultant Salary in United States Of America - Careerdp Salary – Jobs in United States of America
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Help Desk Consultant Average Salary in United States of America

A person working as a Help Desk Consultant in United States of America will on average earn $51639 per year (pre-tax value). Salary is provided in USD ($/dollar) value.

Below is a break-down of yearly, monthly, weekly and hourly rate.

Rate Type Amount (USD)
Yearly salary $51,639.00
Weekly salary $993.06
Daily salary $141.48
Hourly salary $17.68

Year over year increase in salary is registered at around 4%

Average salary in United States of America is approximately 57000$

This means help desk consultant salary is below average!

Help Desk Consultant Salary: $51639
Country Average: $57000

Latest entry for this job in our database: 2025-01-04.

Job Information for: help desk consultant

Job Industry: information technology

Description: A help desk consultant is responsible for providing technical support and assistance to end-users or customers who are experiencing issues with their computer systems, software, or other technology-related problems. They are the first point of contact for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, either over the phone, via email, or through remote access. Help desk consultants analyze and diagnose problems, provide step-by-step instructions to resolve issues, and escalate complex problems to higher-level support if necessary. They also document and track customer interactions, maintain knowledge bases, and ensure timely resolution of issues.

Tagged with: Help desk support, Technical assistance, Troubleshooting, Customer service, IT support, Problem-solving

Before you go: All salary information provided is for general guidance and should not be considered final or definitive.
These salary figures shown should be considered for informational purposes. The salary ranges may vary depending several factors, such as qualifications, geography, sector, and additional considerations. This data should not always match the true compensation provided for a particular job position at any given company. We suggest you check the final pay details with the company prior to accepting any job offer.