Researcher scientific Salary in United States Of America - Careerdp Salary – Jobs in United States of America
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Researcher Scientific Average Salary in United States of America

A person working as a Researcher Scientific in United States of America will on average earn $74794 per year (pre-tax value). Salary is provided in USD ($/dollar) value.

Below is a break-down of yearly, monthly, weekly and hourly rate.

Rate Type Amount (USD)
Yearly salary $74,794.00
Weekly salary $1,438.35
Daily salary $204.92
Hourly salary $25.61

Year over year increase in salary is registered at around 4%

Average salary in United States of America is approximately 57000$

This means researcher scientific salary is above average!

Researcher Scientific Salary: $74794
Country Average: $57000

Latest entry for this job in our database: 2025-01-04.

Job Information for: researcher scientific

Job Industry: research and development

Description: A researcher in the scientific field is responsible for conducting thorough investigations and experiments to expand knowledge and understanding of various scientific disciplines. They design and carry out experiments, collect and analyze data, and interpret the results. Researchers stay up to date with the latest advancements in their field by reviewing scientific literature and attending conferences. They may collaborate with other scientists to develop new theories, technologies, or solutions to complex problems. Additionally, researchers often publish their findings in scientific journals and present them at conferences or seminars.

Tagged with: Researcher, Scientist, Scientific Research, Data Analysis, Experimentation, Scientific Literature

Before you go: All salary information provided is for general guidance and should not be considered final or definitive.
The salary figures displayed should be viewed for guidance purposes. Salaries may differ based on several factors, such as qualifications, geography, industry, and other circumstances. This data do not always reflect the actual earnings provided for a particular job position at a given company. We suggest you verify the exact pay details with the employer before accepting any job offer.